Technical languages

Learn German technical language online

The term “technical language” or “specialist language” refers to the language used in a particular profession or specialist area, such as by doctors, hotel and service staff or musicians. Each technical language has its own vocabulary, special formulations and patterns of action and text. These are not exclusively foreign technical terms, but often also job-specific situations that need to be dealt with and for which there are typical formulations and procedures. For example, technical language in the professional field of music includes not only technical vocabulary relating to notes and musical styles, but also the explanation and correction of posture during music lessons.

Specialist language teaching in the foreign language German therefore aims to improve and promote language skills in specific situations for this profession. You learn exactly the part of the language that you need in your job.

This course is aimed at people with German as a foreign language who would like to improve their technical and professional communication skills. Typical requests are e.g.

  • German for medical professionals
  • German for nursing staff
  • German for lawyers
  • German in hotels and restaurants
  • German for technicians
  • German for natural scientists

After this course you will be able to deal with job-specific situations in German, depending on your level. You can express yourself appropriately to your customers or patients, communicate with colleagues and superiors in technical language, understand relevant texts and write them if necessary.

The content depends on the subject. A few examples are

  • Subject-specific basic and advanced vocabulary
  • Communication with customers, clients or patients
  • Discuss pending and completed tasks
  • Discuss and clarify technical questions
  • Hold technical discussions with colleagues
  • Follow lectures and seminars
  • Giving technical presentations

In academic professions in particular, a high level of language proficiency (C1-C2) is required in both general and technical language in order to be able to communicate in a correct and differentiated manner.

These materials are generally created for you. We can often use documents from your day-to-day work directly for this. For some disciplines, such as medicine or nursing, there are already textbooks for German that can be used.

No, that is not necessary. These lessons focus solely on the linguistic level. We do not engage in technical discussions. Of course, the teacher has to familiarize themselves intensively with the language of the subject.

In addition, there are often no materials from publishers for these German lessons, so the teaching materials are first created by me.

A technical language course is therefore much more demanding to teach than a general language course.

Technical language is very different: in service professions, a large part of the vocabulary corresponds to general language. In technical professions, on the other hand, there is often an extensive specialist vocabulary.

For some subjects, materials for German lessons already exist, for many others we have to create everything ourselves.

It is therefore not possible to give a general rate for specialized language courses. Depending on the subject or industry, implementation is more or less complex. Therefore, I first need your information and can then make you a non-binding offer. You do not enter into any purchase obligation.

Technical language lessons are also communicative and action-oriented, i.e. we always work towards carrying out certain actions and situations with the language, e.g. discussing something, discussing advantages and disadvantages, understanding a technical text about new working methods.

You can find out more about my methods and principles for good teaching on the methods page.


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